1L 5L 20L 1000LActive360 g/L Glyphosate
Water soluble herbicide for non-selective control of many annual
and perennial weeds in certain situations.
Situations for use / Weeds
Non-Agricultural Areas
Around buildings, Commercial and Industrial areas, Domestic and Public Service areas, Right-of-ways.
Agricultural Areas
Aquatic Areas
For the control of emerged weeds in all bodies of fresh and brackish water which may be flowing, non-flowing or transient. Also for weeds on margins of streams, lakes and dams and in channels and drains.
Peanuts, Cotton, Soybeans, Sugarcane, Navy Beans And Chickpeas
Application using selective equipment QLD, NSW only
Tree And Vine Crops
- Avocado
- Banana
- Blueberries
- Citrus fruit
- Custard apples
- Duboisia
- Figs – dessert
- Guava
- Kiwifruit
- Litchi
- Mango
- Monstera – fruit
- Nuts (including Almond
- Pecan
- Macadamia
- Pistachio and Walnut)
- Olives
- Pawpaw
- Persimmons
- Pome fruit
- Raspberries
- Stone fruit
- Tea
- Vineyards.
Sugarcane Ratoon Sprayout
For control of sugar cane, ratoon regrowth NSW and QLD only
Post-plant, pre-emergence application TAS only
Cotton Pre-harvest
For control of:
- Bathurst Burr
- Nogoora burr
- Winter annual weeds including Sowthistle
- Milk thistle and seasonal suppression of Nutgrass. NSW and QLD only.
Annual Weeds Control
- Amaranth
- Barley grass
- Barnyard grass
- Brome grass
- Caltrop
- Canary grass(Annual phalaris)
- Capeweed
- Cereals
- Chickweed
- Cobbler’s pegs
- Deadnettle
- Doublegee
- Fumitory
- Ground cherry
- Hedge mustard
- Lesser Swinecress
- Liverseed grass
- Mintweed
- Noogoora burr a,b
- Paradoxa grass
- Paterson’s Curse
- Pigweed
- Potato weed
- Ryegrass
- Saffron thistle
- Silver grass
- Sow thistle
- Spear thistle
- Spiny burrgrass
- Spurge
- Sub. Clover
- Thornapple
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Wild turnip
- Winter grass. Variegated thistle
- Volunteer cereals
- Alligator weed
- Bamboo
- Bent grass
- Black Knapweed. Blady grass
- Bracken
- Brown Beetle grass
- Carpet grass
- Cocksfoot
- Couch
- Cumbungi
- Flatweed (Cat’s Ear)
- Glyceria
- Guinea grass
- Hoary Cress
- Johnson grass
- Kangaroo grass
- Kikuyu grasS
- Lovegrass
- Africanb
- Ludwigia peruviana
- Nutgrass
- Cyperus rotundus
- Does not refer to other Cyperus Species which may be locally known as nutgrass
- Pampas grass
- Paragrass
- Parramatta grass
- Giant Rat’s tail
- Paspalum
- Pellitory
- Phalaris
- Phragmites
- Common Reed
- Plantains
- Prairie grass
- Qld Blue grass
- Red-leg grass
- Rhodes grass
- Rope Twitch c,d
- Rushes
- Sedge
- Tall
- Serrated Tussock
- Serrated Tussock
- Silverleaf Nightshade
- Sorrel Soursob
- St John’s Wort
- Thistle
- Artichoke
- Thistle
- Californian
- Water Couch
- Water Hyacinth
- Water Lettuce
- Waterlily
- Yellow
- Yorkshire Fog.
Unwanted Trees
- Jarrah
- Longleaf Box
- Marri
- Messmate
- Stringybark
- Narrowleaf
- Peppermint
- Privet
- Rhus
- Willows
- Bullich
- Marri
- Jarrah
- Eucalyptus spp.
- Flooded Gum
- Ghost Gum
- Gum Topped
- Bloodwood
- Messmate
- Stringybark
- Narrowleaf
- Ironbark
- Pink Bloodwood
- Poplar Box
- Privet
- Rhus
- Silverleaf
- Ironbark
- Silvertop Ash[Ironbark]
- Spotted Gum
- Swamp
- Mahogany
- White Mahogany
- Willows
- Privet
- Rhus
- Camphor laurel
Brush And Woody Weeds Control
- Bitou Bush/ Boneseed
- Boxthorn
- African
- Blackberry
- Crofton Weed
- English Broom
- Gorse (Furze)
- Groundsel Bush
- Hawthornb
- Lantana
- Mistflower
- Sifton Bush I Chinese
- Scrub
- Sweet Briar.
Refer to the Apparent Glyphosate Green 360 Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.