5LActiveEthofumesate 500
For selective weed control in beet crops, certain non-crop areas, onions, oilseed poppies, ryegrass pastures and seed crops and established turf as specified in the Directions for Use table
Crop / Weeds
Beet crops
e.g. beetroot, fodder beet, mangolds, sugar beet
- Barley Grass
- Chickweed
- Cleavers
- Fat-hen
- Fumitory
- Prairie Grass
- Redshank (Amaranthus spp.)
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Summer Grass
- Winter Grass
- Wireweed
Oilseed poppy
Weeds controlled:
- Barley Grass
- Certain broadleaved and grass weeds particularly Clovers
- Cruciferous Weeds
- Fat-hen
- Fumitory
- Winter Grass
- Wireweed.
Weeds controlled:
- Barley Grass
- certain broadleaved and grass weeds
- Clovers
- particularly Cruciferous Weeds
- Fat-hen
- Fumitory
- Winter Grass
- Wireweed.
Ryegrass pasture and seed crops
Also, Non-Crop areas (stock camps, tree plantations, fence lines)
Weeds controlled:
- Barley Grass
- Cleavers
- emerged Brome Grass
- seedling Chickweed
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Storksbill
- Winter Grass.
Established turf
Bent grasses (including brown top bent), Kentucky blue-grass, kikuyu, Queensland blue couch, ryegrass
Weeds controlled: Winter Grass (Poa annua).
Refer to the Apparent Sci-Fi Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.