20L 1000LActive420g/L MCPA & 26g/L Picloram
For the control of climbing buckwheat, common sowthistle, skeleton weed, capeweed, doublegee and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.
Crop / Weeds
Barley, Canary grass, Oats, Triticale, Wheat(NSW & QLD Only)
Weeds controlled:
- Climbing buckwheat (black bindweed)
- Common sowthistle
- Doublegee (spiny emex)
- Mustard
- Saffron thistle
- Skeleton weed
- Turnip weed
- Variegated thistle
- Wild radish
- Wild Turnip
- N.Z. spinach
- Wireweed
- Common sowthistle
- N.Z. spinach
- Wireweed
Linseed Linola(NSW & QLD Only)
Weeds controlled:
- Climbing buckwheat (black bindweed)
- Doublegee (spiny emex)
- Mustard,Saffron thistle
- Skeleton weed
- Variegated thistle
- Wild radish
- Wild Turnip
- N.Z. spinach
- Wireweed
Barley, Canary grass, Oats, Triticale, Wheat (WA Only)
Weeds controlled:
- Capeweed
- Doublegee
- Saffron thistle
- Turnip weed
- Wild Mustard
- Wild Turnip
- Capeweed
- Doublegee
- Saffron thistle
- Turnip weed
- Wild Mustard
- Wild Turnip
- Wireweed
- Docks