5L 20L 1000LActiveAmitrole 250g/L & Ammoniumthiocyanate 220g/L
For the control of weeds in Orchards, Vineyards, Irrigation Ditches and Drains, Roadsides, Wheat and Barley, and for general industrial situations as specified the Directions for Use table.
Crop & Situation / Weeds
Vineyards and Orchards
Couch Grass, Broadleaf weeds and grasses
Aquatic areas Drains and Channels; Margins of streams, lakes and dams
- Cumbungi
- Phragmites
- Nutgrass
- Water Couch
- Water Hyacinth
Pinus radiata Plantations
- Ryegrass
- Wild oats
- Yorkshire Fog grass
- Silver grass
- Sand Brome
- Capeweed
- Clovers
- Mouse-ear Chickweed
- Sowthistle and Spear Thistle seedlings.
Non-crop areas around buildings, Commercial and Industrial areas, Domestic and Public Service areas, Right-of-ways
- Blackberry
- Furze or Gorse
- Ox-eye Daisy
- Fennel
- Hoary Cress
- African Daisy
- Apple of Sodom
- Illyrian Thistle
- Russian (creeping) Knapweed
- Watsonia
- Artichoke Thistle
- Prairie ground cherry
- Onion weed
- Khaki weed
- Chilean Cestrum (Green Cestrum)
- Oxalis (Soursob)
- Couch
- Kikuyu
- Fog grass
- Sorrel.
Potatoes : Pre-harvest preparation
- Ryegrass
- Winter grass
- Capeweed
- Paterson’s Curse
Wheat and Barley
Ryegrass, Wild Oats.
Refer to the Apparent Troller Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.