20L 110L 1000LActive250 g/L Paraquat
For the control of a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds as per the Directions for Use.
Crop or Situation / Weeds
Aid to Cultivation to minimise cultivation and prepare a clean bed for sowing.
Annual grass and broadleaf weed control Early Autumn sowing, Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds Winter, Spring and early Summer sowing., Wild Oats 2 to 5 leaf stage in Autumn/Winter.
Annual grass and broadleaf weeds.
Wild Oat control in Spring Fallows
Wild Oats at 2 to 5 leaf stage.
Kikuyu/Paspalum Pasture
To suppress growth to oversow winter seed.Selective Weed Control Autumn/early Winter Annual and Perennial Clovers, Late winter/early Spring Annual and Perennial Clovers Annual grass and some broadleaf weed control except
- Paterson’s Curse
- Sorrel
- Dock
- Shepherd’s Purse and some thistles.
Alternative methods such as the spray-graze technique with 2,4-D or MCPA should be considered.
Lucerne Autumn/early Winter Late Winter/Early Spring
Annual Grass and some broadleaf weeds.
Mature Perennial Grass Seed Crops Cocksfoot, Perennial Ryegrass, Phalaris, and Demeter Fescue only
Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds.
Spray topping to reduce seed set Chickpeas, Faba beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Vetch
Annual Ryegrass.
Spraytopping to reduce seed set Pastures
Grasses (particularly Annual Ryegrass)., Barley Grass and Saffron Thistle.
Prevention of Annual Ryegrass toxicity
Spray top – Graze to destroy seed heads.
Grass Pasture desiccation (Hay Freezing)
To preserve the protein value of standing dry feed.
Annual grasses.
Orchards (including bananas) and Vineyards
Annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds.
Peanuts Post-emergence (in crop)
- Datura spp. (2 to 4 leaf)
- Annual Ground Cherry (2 to 3 leaf),
- Apple-of-Peru (2 to 4 leaf)
- Milkweed(2 to 3 leaf)
- Anoda Weed (2 to 3 leaf)
- Blue Heliotrope (2 to 3 leaf)
- Stagger Weed (2 to 3 leaf)
- Wandering Jew (2 to 3 leaf)
- Bellvine (2 to 3 leaf)
- Common Morning Glory (2 leaf)
Annual grasses and some seedling broadleaf weeds, Pre-harvest weed control.
Row Crops, Vegetables and Market Gardens
- Pre-planting or before crop emerges
- Post-emergence inter-row weed control
- Seedling weeds
- Older weeds.
Sugar Cane (Plant and Ratoon)
Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds – up to 5cm high, Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds – up to 10 cm high.
Non-Agricultural situations, around sheds, roadways, paths
Annual weed control, Columbus Grass.
Reduce by knocking down weed growth to assist firebreak burn
Refer to the Apparent Paraquat 250 Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.